Thinking about these two favorite earlycomers of Spring reminds me of my mother, who always had a big vase of mimosa in our living room around this time of the year, and invariably it always managed to bring on the sneezes for my father and myself, and she would throw it out after many protestations to the contrary.
Lori has a beautiful post here about Mothers and Daughters and a great low cal recipe for delicous blueberry scones, that I am going to try out today. When I read her post this morning, it reminded me of a wonderful poem' The Lanyard 'written by Billy Collins, and here he is reading it won't want to miss this, it is very good.
Thank you Sally. I am off to listen to the poem now. This week i'll make more scones since ours disappeared by the time I got home from work. :)
No blossoms over this way as yet, but the weather is mild enough to think about planting some seeds. Wintersweet, daphne and violets in winter remind me of my Grandma. From her garden she gave me these for my birthday and to celebrate the births of 3 of my children. X
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