May is always a busy time in the garden for me, a time for preparing my little friends for the next season. Getting rid of ugly dead bits and pesty weeds then snuggling the plants down for the winter in a comfy bed of mulch, and planting lots of winter salad greens and other veges for delicious winter casseroles and soups.
I have been picking feijoas all this month for our local markets, and it has been very time consuming. If you miss a day of gathering, then the following day you see the result of your tardiness on the ground, next to the tree. This fruit is easily bruised and has very little value when not perfect !
Whilst I have been picking and walking through the feijoa orchard I have been listening to this audiobook..The Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver, and am loving it. I have just read her The Poisonwood Bible also on audio, and am reading in bed at night; Animal, Vegetable and Miracle, also by Barbara Kingsolver. They are very thought provoking and a wonderful read and listen !
The lemons are ripening up nicely and I thought I would make some lemon and coconut muffins for two of my grandchildren that visit after school on Mondays.

They will arrive just in time for a much needed tea break and a cuddle.
those muffins were deelish!
thank you x
I just love Barbara Kingsolver, too. (She's the kind of author who makes you try to be a better person.)
The muffins look amazing!
Barbara Kingsolver is one of my favorites as well. I liked Poisonwood Bible, but loved Prodigal Summer. I haven't read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle - will have to look forward to that one. By the way - Your quilt is beautiful! ;)
everything looks so great, your flowers, the winter garden, your muffins and lemons. it is always such a pleasure coming by for a visit Sally!
(love all of barbara kingsolver, great reads.)
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