I made a start and discovered that I can draw my own little patterns on graph paper. I must be thinking about it a lot, because last night I woke around 2.00am and apparently said to Ian "must do the embroidery " and then " you need to do some embroidery ". I can vaguely recollect a weird dream about it. I think Mary Queen of Scots was involved ( I have been reading about her a lot lately too).
It's funny where our dreams take us, isn't it. ?
Talking of dreams, little Leo was having some nice milky baby dreams yesterday.
Talking of dreams, little Leo was having some nice milky baby dreams yesterday.
I don't think he was dreaming of blackwork though !
Ohhhh... I was drooling over your beautiful embroidery and then scrolled down to Cute Baby and whoa. Such a happy-making post :^) And now I too will dream about blackwork. It's so simple and so gorgeous!
I agree- I thought the embroidery was lovely and then BAM amazingly cute baby.
This is a wonderful eye-candy filled post to brighten a cloudy afternoon. Thanks : )
oh oh oh. i love embroidery but i would be dreaming of babies! bless your family Sally ♥
Sally--From the looks of things, you are finally feeling better. YAY!!!
I absolutely love your Blackwork
(being mathematically inclined, I've always been drawn to geometric patterns and symmetry)
...and Leo is SO sweet. It must be the most wonderful feeling... holding a new grandbaby!
Ooh my little nephew!! What a cutie . I can't help but feel like a very proud aunty !
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