Yesterday I received a request from the newlyweds for some knitted socks. I was very happy to oblige and went to find my needles and some sock wool immediately. Even though I have several much larger knitting projects on hand, I am always ready to put those on hold whilst I knit another pair of socks.
A sock on four little needles sits quite contentedly in a messy handbag and can be very useful to allay the nerves whilst waiting at the dentist. They come in handy when the husband decides to take a quick stop at a farm machinery place and spends more than an hour discussing the merits of John Deere tractors.
Hand knitted socks are the perfect gift for a special person when you want to show them they are loved and thought of, and they last longer than a bunch of flowers.
They are also the perfect project to be knitting when you happen to be watching a particularly romantic movie like " love actually", "you've got mail" or "message in a bottle" of which I have seen recently and sniffed my way through all three.
The knitting of them can be quite addictive !
You make it sound so fun! I've never owned a pair, and only once tried knitting. Maybe I should try again.
yes, i've only ever owned one pair of handknit socks and i can quite safely say they are one of lifes biggest luxuries. they make me wish so much i had enough patience for knitting!
Lovely photos!
I do believe sock-knitters are a higher life form. I'm all thumbs with any more than two needles.
Ah Sally quite right on the addictive front! I've just done a post on handknitted socks myself - what a coincidence AND am using the same Regia sockyarn. Also I completely missed your post on your son's wedding - they look so stunning! Bless and congrats all X Lies
Sally - you cast on and started off my first sock late last week - thank you! I've so enjoyed learning to knit socks and I'm almost at the end of the first one. It's not so hard - appart from being disciplined enough to follow instructions (!!). And it helps to have a wonderful, helpful person like you if I get stuck.
I love that yarn too! get knitting everyone! wooly socks are just bril! K
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