No, my naughty, spur of the moment self decided to cast on as soon as possible.
which is a blend of alpaca, cashmere, camel and silk and far and away out of my price range.
The Inca wool comes from the trip I made to Norway last year, when I stood in a shop in Oslo as it was about to close, and randomly chose a few balls of my favorite colours. I shall use that as the fair isle pattern on the yoke, and for the main colour I had some 4 ply alpaca from a local shop here.
So, this sweater has been my very lovely diversion this week, but I shall share some pics of the Spring surprises also.
Hyacinths, and our beautiful plum tree.
I also enjoyed listening to Kathryn Williams and Neill MacColl, and this Come With Me is my favourite. Their CD Two is beautiful...take a listen and have yourself a lovely diversion today !
Oh that's going to be lovely! I like the hooded pic on the front too.
I think striking while the iron is hot is very sensible!
ha I love tht you did not listen to your sensible self. that is going to be an amazing sweater when you are finished!
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