Monday, January 18, 2010

Starting anew

My plans were to finish a few things before I started anything new....

I managed to knit one side of the border on this scrappy handspun blanket, BUT

we have a new grandchild arriving in a few weeks and he or she will need something warm and cosy to snuggle into at night

so I am going to cast on for this dear little sleeping suit tonight. The pattern is in the magazine "Yarn" and is knitted in a possum/merino/silk mix.

I am not going to add on the ears though...they are cute, but I think it will look better without. What do you think?


Mary Keenan said...

I think you are spot on about the ears - such impeccable style you have! It's such a lovely sleeping suit and the baby inside looks so happy and at peace in it. Also, I bet it will be a fun knit.

(love the blanket too!)

Lori ann said...

dear Sally,
I do know what you mean about finishing before starting. But sometimes circumstances require an exception.
Your blanket is gorgeous, completly beautiful. It looks just right. But it can wait for this baby gown. I would have to do that too. Congratulations on the almost here newborn, and happy knitting. I think without ears also. Is the mag from N.Z.? i'll go check it out.


speckled egg said...

I agree-the ears are cute but it will be sweeter without them. Lucky lucky baby! It's gorgeous and so practical!

Rhiannon said...

your family is so very lucky to have you crafting for thema and the baby suit is incredibly cute and such a fantastic gift. oh, and yay for more grandkids!

kim•ber•ly said...

That is the cutest baby garment I have ever seen. I like the ears but I think it will be just as grand without them.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh it is so lovely that little sleepsack. I love love knitting with the possum-merino-silk! Enjoy X

Whitney Black said...
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The Curious Cat said...

What a beautiful blanket....