Friday, September 5, 2008

Lost and Found

In the Autumn of this year I attended a mini quilt symposium at Picton. Because of my stress levels at the time, I didn't want to be loaded down with sewing machine, cutting mat, masses of fabric and a head full of instructions, so I chose to attend a class for three days with the tutor Donna Stewart who works in merino wool and dyes the colours herself, working her quilts from the native flowers and fauna she sees around her. Her class was all handstitching and all we needed to take was scissors, a ruler and some hand sewing needles.

I came home after that time, relaxed and happy that I had completed a project , with another one of botannical native flowers almost finished, and lots of inspiration.

My little quilt sat around for a few days and then just as I was trying to decide whether to frame it or not, it completely disappeared, and much to my astonishment and annoyance I was unable to find it again.

That is until last night when I was browsing my bookshelf and espied an old gardening book that had been given to me by Uncle Allan, with appropiate pages marked very carefully. Taking it down and leafing through it I was delighted to find my little quilt that I had made at the symposium. There it was tucked up and folded inside the middle of the book.!! I have no idea how it came to be there, so that is even more scary!
This is the rata flowerand this the kowhai.

The little bird in the quilt is the fantail.

This week I collected my new glasses from the Optician, and I rather think that they might be responsible for some of the things I have been finding.

Maybe they will help me to find other important things that I have missed along the way.

Perhaps I will find my figure that has been missing for the last year or so....I am certainly seeing more clearly!


Candyce said...

I love your little quilt. I especially love the embroidery design. Really nice.

melissa said...

haha! maybe i need some glasses to find my figure too!
love the quilt. it's gorgeous kiwiana.

Little Miss Flossy said...

Beautiful little quilt, you must be thrilled to find it! I have the same gardening book, my Dad bought it for me as a bribe if I did well in Year 9 at school. I really wanted that book LOL

Anonymous said...

that little quilt is so adorable. I love it how treasures pop out from unexpected places sometimes. xxxx Kate